Wooden Dish Brush Care Guide

Wooden Dish Brush Care Guide


Wood dish brushes make for a perfect zero waste alternative to plastic scrub brushes and dish sponges! Our dish brushes are made from beech wood and feature sisal bristles on a replaceable head making them a great sustainable swap. Sisal is a natural fibre derived from the long green leaves of the ‘agave sisalana’ cactus plant, meaning they are all-natural and plant based.

Since these products are meant to biodegrade over time, it’s possible to start seeing signs of wear after a couple of months. Slight cracking and warping is completely normal, but, to help prolong the life of your dish brush, here are a few care tips.

Let the brush dry

After using your dish brush, give it a light shake or tap on your sink to remove excess water. Hang or place you brush bristle side down, this will allow water to run off and prevent premature warping and cracking. Allowing your brush to dry properly after each use is the most important factor for increasing its lifespan!

What you can expect

You may see signs of cracking in the brush head, again, this is normal and shouldn’t affect the performance of the brush. If you see dark spots on the brush, this is caused by oxidation of the wood which can be from the minerals in your water, this shouldn’t be confused for mold!

Cleaning / Disinfecting

To clean or disinfect your brush, you can soak in a hot water/ vinegar mix for a couple of minutes to kill any bacteria. This is optional and may not be necessary if your brush is rinsed properly after each use! Avoid letting soap buildup or food residue sit on the bristles.


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Thanks for helping me make these small changes


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